As an accountant you likely spend more time at your desk in your office during the day, than anywhere else. You also may not be aware of the many germs collecting around your space or on your desk; your phone especially.
Clarity Cleaning Service can clean accountants offices in way that you are sure to notice as soon as you enter the room. Cleaning isn’t just about wiping down surfaces of everything instantly visible to the eye. It’s about thoroughly cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting furniture, decor and all surfaces of your office.
CCS has helped many businesses discover the true meaning of a professional cleaning. We have affordable prices and quality services but if you’re after something more specific, we can help with that too.
Many of our plans are prepackaged, meaning they include certain services, but if you only need a select few services, we can tailor a cleaning plan to suit your needs.
When you partner with our Clarity Cleaning Services you won’t get your run-of-the-mill cleaning professionals; you get trained, insured professionals. We are very careful when selecting those who come to work with us and ensure reliable, honest and caring technicians will be cleaning your office.
Give us a call now on 07513 261 567 or 01625 471 580 to see for yourself why we’re a top choice for many businesses in Manchester and Cheshire